My name is Stacey Knapper, and I am passionate about helping people be the best they can be.
My professional life is a mash-up of instructional design, business professor, and entrepreneur, with a dash of art in the mix.
The highlight of my early career was at The Money Store where I had the privilege to work in a corporate culture that encouraged people to be themselves. I started as Investor Relations Assistant and when I helped sell the company my title was Assistant Vice President Finance Administration and Assistant Corporate Secretary. The reality is that I was the right-hand person to the CEO and CFO, and my job consisted of sspecial projects. I was permitted to be uniquely Stacey and I enjoyed the ability to use my innate creativity to communicate to both internal and external audiences. I drafted press releases, was responsible for the intranet and the investor portion of the external website, created slide decks, wrote speeches and scripts for the CEO, was project manager for the annual reports, managed two stock exchange moves, managed the stock option plan, managed a cross-country relocation of five finance departments, including giving over 100 interviews, space planning, IT and physical record logistics, worked on financial models, was the public point of contact for investor inquiries and provided information to analysts. I was chosen by the CFO to be due diligence coordinator of the sale of the company, where I “herded cats” or the top 70 employees of the company. I was responsible for annual shareholder meetings, the payment of dividends and the point of contact for investment bankers for stock offerings. When I started The Money Store had a $100 market cap and we sold it for $2.1 billion.
Currently, I am an adjunct college professor for three institutions of higher education. I have created taught and taught business courses at the MBA, undergraduate and community college levels. I teach financial literacy, accounting, economics, organizational leadership, ethical decision making, marketing and first-year seminar courses.